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I need help understanding which backup to use.

I have a 1TB HP computer. When I click on computer I see C drive and D drive, and my rom drive. I know D drive is the Recovery Image. What backup in AOMEI do I use to backup all of my computer. I think a System backup does not backup all, am I right. A disk backup does not seem big enought to me to have all. I'm saying this because when I click on Disk backup and it shows the following break down, Windows RE Tools, 348.25MB used. System, 52.49MB used. Unformated, 0 used. C. Windows 43.38GB used. Blank, 281.41MB used. D. Recovery Image, 16.30GB used. So why an I getting all this other stuff  shown with AOMEI Desk backup. I clicked on all in Desk backup and only get 38.9GB. This is less than my C shows. So what does Desk backup do, I would think all.



  • Which kind of copy did you do, "Copy Disk Quickly" or "Sector-by-Sector Copy"? And, pay attention that the free space of your backup destination should be sufficient enough to hold your image. If you select "Copy Disk Quickly", the free space should be no less than the used space of the resource disks; if you choose "Sector-by-Sector Copy", the free space should be no less than the total space of the resource disks. If you are sitll not quiet understand, please go to http://www.disk-partition.com/help/clone-hard-disk.html.

  • Hello camper931,

    Thank you so much for posting your questions in this forum. Your partitions should be the standard layout of GPT partition table. The disk backup will backup the entire hard disk with all the partitions and compress the data into an image (with the default settings), so you get only 38.9GB.

  • To abc,

    Thanks for your input. I'm trying to copy all to an image file incase I need to recover from a crash or other. I'm copying to a external drive. I'm trying to find out which backup type to use to get all on my hard drive to reinstall if I have a problem. Do I use a System backup or a Disk backup.. I think what you are talking about is a Clone copy.

    Will a System get all or a Disk backup, or other.


  • Hello camper913,

    I understand your question and disk backup you should choose. As for why you get  only 38.9GB image file which is much smaller than the total space of the source disks, I think the administrator has put it clear.

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