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Backupper "The file has been skipped because its source path is too long"

My backups keep missing most of my files because it says, "The file has been skipped because its source path is too long." What does it want? I use regular Windows 10 file paths.


  • My backups keep missing most of my files because it says, "The file has been skipped because its source path is too long." What does it want? I use regular Windows 10 file paths and file names.
  • edited October 2018
    " I use regular Windows 10 file paths and file names"
    But obviously too long (too deep) if you add up all the pathnames and filename: C\path1\path2\path3\path4\filename.ext

    I don't know the exact max allowed length, probably in the range 250-255 characters or so.

  • Same here. Using longer paths can't be avoided when developing and the packages are structured or nested that deep. Please remove that restriction, it is 2018. Windows can handle this.
  • Seconding this, I really need to backup my system and finding the paths that need to be shortened would be especially cumbersome. It may be a good idea to limit the size of the string that contains the path for one that is pertinaciously lengthy but some files are bound to have a decent amount of nesting. Let me know if this is a fix that is coming soon, I enjoy how easy it is to use AOMEI Backupper but I cant delay backing my system up much longer. 
  • @Dr_Dunson, You can use system backup way. It is a sector-level backup way. It doesn't need to consider file path.
  • edited December 2022
    @Admin I was able to solve my problem, Unfortunately I didn't have enough disk space on my backup drive to do a system backup, but since I only need to backup a few important folders I found a excellent Powershell command that helped me find a workaround.

    cmd /c dir /s /b |? {$_.length -gt 250} 

    The command finds all paths above a certain amount of characters. I was able to shorten or move files that had path's that were too long which worked for me.

    Thanks for your help, much appreciated.
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