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Backupper PE (WIN10) - EXT3 Partition Disk to Image FIle, Not Intelligent Sector Backup

When I start a Disk Backup to Image task of a multi-partitioned Linux ETX3 the used space for the drive shows as on 3.22GB. The total capacity of the HDD is 250GB.
I have checked that Use VSS is selected along with Intelligent Sector Backup enabled.

The backup Processes the entire 250GB of the disk rather than just copying the used sectors. Is this correct behaviour? This didnt't happen with copying a windows HDD to image file. The resulting image file from the Linux partitions 3.22GB is tens of gigabytes in size.


  • The Intelligent Sector Backup only applies to NTFS and FAT32.
  • Is this a feature that can be eventually added to the tool? Or are EXT partitions unable to be copied in a used sector only method?
  • We will consider this feature.
  • A linux client would also be great for use with the Network Backup Tool server.
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