Add all drivers from Win 10 ISO file/archive when creating a BootCD?
Assume I created a BootCD from an installed Backupper v4.1 instalaltion on a Win7 system.
During generation I am asked to add some (more) drivers.
To be prepared for future I want to add all drivers which a "normal" Win 10 ISO DVD contains.
Therefore I miss an entry filed where I can specify the location of the Win10 *.iso file and an option to let Backupper automatically retrieve those driver files from this ISO.
Even if I generate such an *.iso file from an Backupper installation under Win10 it seems to me that not all possible core/generic drivers are added.
How can I achive this?
Or did I miss something?`
Or can this be added in the next release?
Thank you
Why don't you create the BootCD on a Win10 system directly?
What if I have (currently) no Win10 system at hand?
What drivers do you think you'll need? Generally, to run the boot Win PE of Backupper your keyboard and mouse should work if they are wired, if not you may need those wireless drivers. If your backup is on a NAS, you may need a network driver but probably not. That is really all you should need to boot into Backupper and be able to restore an image. After the backup is restored you should have access to all the drivers you may need. A boot disk made with Win 7 will work to restore a backup image made in a Win 10 system (I've done that with no problem.) But if you're worried, when you get your Win 10 system, make another boot disk. After you make your Win 7 boot disk, try booting into it and see if you can access your backup image. If you can, you won't need any additional drivers.