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Log text files show negative lines of text

I have just installed AOMEI Backupper Free and straight away I checked the log files (in location “C:\Program Files(x86)\AOMEIBackupper\log” folder) and these files show a lot of negative sounding lines of text in them even before I have created a system backup. I attach three of the log files that are in readable text format. There is one other log file Reg.log that is not readable so I have not attached that one. Does this mean that any backups I create will not work when it comes to restoringfrom them or are these normal?





  • Don't worry, you don't need to care about the logs.

  • I am only worried about the negative lines of text in the logs not the logs themselves. After reading them can you tell me if these negative lines of text mean I will not be able to restore my PC from images created?

  • You are able to restore PC.

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