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Multi-select when making a reservation

edited October 2017 in AOMEI Products Support

When creating a backup (AOMEI Backup Pro), a multi-choice of operating systems appears. How can I get rid of this so that the first system is loaded by default without this extra step?
It is necessary to remove the possibility of multi-selection



  • Did you boot from a USB flash drive or bootable CD?

  • Yes, I boot from USB.

  • The program identifies itself as a bootable system if you are using the USB flash drive, try to boot from a CD to see the result.

  • I installed a newer version, but "Standard". This menu is bypassed. Maybe my flash drive is incorrectly formatted? Strangely, on other operating systems this choice does not arise. Why is it so on this OS?


  • edited November 2017

    Hmm, as I understand the problem will be repeated everywhere with a bootable USB flash drive (on any OS), except for the one on which they created this bootable USB flash drive. It turns out that this problem is also seen on Windows XP. It just will not be, if you boot from under Windows on the device where you created the boot utility.

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