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[Backupper] Can I run CHKDSK on a mounted .ADI image?

A few months ago I used AOMEI Backupper Standard 3.5 to make an image backup of one of my data drives (D:) -- the resulting .ADI file is stored on another data drive in my Windows 7 system. This was an exact backup, not an Intelligent Sector backup. When I made this image backup, drive D: had some severe file corruption, now in AOMEI Backupper when I go into the Utilities menu to Explore Image, the .ADI image mounts but Windows sees the corruption and throws a dialog, asking if I want to scan and repair the newly mounted volume. 

I see in the docs that files can be copied to, and deleted from, a mounted .ADI file, I assume these changes would be written into the .ADI file on disk. 

So what would happen if I ran CHKDSK /F on the mounted .ADI file? Would the corrections found by CHKDSK be made only to the mounted image, or would the corrections be written and saved into the .ADI image file on disk? 


  • You can run chkdsk on the virtual partition, but the corrections will not be written to the .adi file.

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