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QWERTY keyboard

While booting from startup disk coming from backupper 3.2 on a french W10 64 bits, I got an AZERTY keyboard layout.  When you have a QWERTY keyboard, it makes typing a real fun.  I couldn't see a button to change the keyboard layout. So having the right keyboard layout or a button to change it would be nice. 

J Guy


  • What startup disk are you talking about? Linux or WinPE? Both can be used for a Windows PC.

  • It probably takes the keyboard that is in the Windows Recovery Environment, in your regular W10, and one would have to find how to change it there. (That is when you boot into WinRE from the new W10 control panel bottom options, you would get french, too. I presume.) I think a bit of plunging into ADK yourself would be helpful, if you are a system professional (inferred from you having Qwerty keyboard instead of plain home french keyboard).

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