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KeePass in Aomei PE Builder

Aomei or any member can tell me if there is a possibility of putting the KeePass ISO or at the time of creation in Aomei PE builde 1.5?


  • You want to add the KeePass to PE Builder? If that, you need to add the Green version or the WINPE version.

  • What do you mean by green version?

    Attached're the error


  • Green version seems mean a edition of Keepass that you do not need to install.

  • Okay, but in my case I can not use it?

  • Can you find the WINPE version of KEEPaSS?

  • edited March 2016

    The error means, from the Keepass.info web site FAQ

    "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)".

    Cause: KeePass 2.x requires Microsoft .NET Framework ≥ 2.0.

    KeePass 1.x would not require this framework. But it requires GDI+.

    The operating system of PE Builder is called Windows PE. It would be possible to install a subset package of .NET 4.5 in WindowsPE but it requires many special knowledges. On the website keepass.info, WindowsPE is not among the supported operating systems, and there is no port to it. The "portable" version is just without installer, but otherwise same requirement.

    By the way what role plays "Paint" in the screen shot and hides the KeePassPortable windows behind it. And the error code (0xc0000135) was hard to read there.

  • I was trying on the same portable mode.

    I also created a new ISO to see if it worked, but it gives the same error.

    Thank you

  • edited March 2016

    KeePass requires .NET framework which is not on the ISO.

    (.NET framework is a software library from  Microsoft contained automatically in Windows, but not on the ISO. It is not a network and is not internet. It is the name of that software library and KeePass requires it).

    PS what do you mean by same portable mode

  • PS what do you mean by same portable mode

    R. no installation mode only in a folder

    Now on the Net, I no longer have the special knowledge, for I am a simple user

  • The ISO file that say, is the Aomei PE Builder 1.5 itself built on Windows 7 Professional

  • edited March 2016

    KeePass does work in Aomei PE Builder 1.5, that is:

    KeePass 1.31 does work. KeePass 2.32 does work, when WinPE-NetFx4 package from ADK8.0 is added. Both levels of KeePass are current versions.

    Adding WinPE-NetFx4 package was a bit involved. It was six command-line commands (plus nine auxilliary commands), taking no more than five minutes to build, but several days to identify them properly.

    Concerning KeePass1.31, I have to note that in a first attempt it did not work. I then added WinPE-NetFX4 package and KeePass2.32, reapplied KeePass1.31, and it worked. As a cross-check I removed WinPE-NetFX4 package and KeePass1.31 still worked, while KeePass 2.32 indeed requires WinPE-NetFx4.

  • edited March 2016

    I re-did a clean test, with result:

    KeePass 1.31 portable does work on AOMEI PE Builder 1.5. GDI+, which is required, is contained in Windows PE and therefore in AOMEI PE Builder 1.5.

    KeePass 2.32 portable does require WinPE-NetFx4 which is not easy to install on the Bootable Media.

    KeePass 1.31 is called "Classic Edition", Keepass 2.32 is called "Professional Editio". Both are current versions of march 2016.

  • Hi,

    I think I could not carry out this process. I thought it was simpler.

    In my case it would be the Professional version, for use characters not allowed in the classic version

  • I see, you mean Unicode character support. I will try install KeePass2.32 with mono but it takes one or two days to do so. (mono is a replacement software instead of .NET. It is mentioned on the keypass website)

  • Peter Feb 13,

    If u do get I will be very grateful!

    I know mount the image of Aomei PE Builder 1.5 with GImageX. it would help me for future updates KeePass Password Safe 2 and also place pt_br tardução?


  • edited March 2016

    mono does not work, I cannot make it work.

    You may install the ADK for Windows 8.0, and then run command window for ADK from the Start Menu (there is a short cut, please use it). All commands are entered into this command window.

    The instructions are for 32bit. For 64bit efi, you need to use amd64 instead of x86 everywhere below.

    1) you need the following commands:

    set kx=%winperoot:*kits\=%
    set ky=\%kx:*\=%
    call set kz=%kx:%ky%=%
    prompt %kz%$g
    set kx=
    set ky=
    set kz=

    copype x86 c:\winpe_x86

    This creates c:winpe_x86 with three folders: fwfiles, media and mount .

    2) After that you need to extract the .ISO to c:\Winpe_x86\media , clearing all old contents of ...media

    3) mount the wim

    set ks=c:\winpe_x86
    dism  /mount-image  /imagefile:%ks%\media\sources\boot.wim  /mountdir:%ks%\mount  /index:1

    4) add the WinPE-NetFx4 package

    set ka=x86
    set kp=%WinPERoot%\%ka%\WinPE_Ocs
    dism /image:%ks%\mount /add-package /packagepath:"%kp%\WinPE-Netfx4.cab"
    dism /image:%ks%\mount /add-package /packagepath:"%kp%\en-us\WinPE-NetFx4_en-us.cab"
    dism /image:%ks%\mount /add-package /packagepath:"%kp%\en-us\WinPE-NetFx4_pt-br.cab"

    5) using the mouse, add KeyPass2.32 portable from the zip to ..mount\Program Files\Userdata

    optionally add bootfix.bin to ...media\boot if you find the file bootfix.bin somewhere.

    6) unmount and create new ISO

    but close the window of the mount folder first

    dism  /unmount-image /mountdir:%ks%\mount /commit
    makewinpemedia  /iso "%ks%" "%ks%\winpe.iso"

    The new iso file is at C:\winpe_x86\winpe.iso .

    I have all commands in a excel sheet and take them from there.

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