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Scheduled Cloning

edited February 2016 in AOMEI Products Support

I am running Backupper Server 3.1 on SBS2011. I have backups scheduled and running properly, but i also like to make a full disk clone once a week to go in conjunction with my RAID setup. is there a script to set this up, or a way through the gui? i am trying to avoid creating my own script as i do not have the time.. thanks


  • With the professional version you can clone from the command line.

    I use a script that checks to make sure it's being run by an Administrator.

    It looks for the destination drive by name to make sure it's plugged in  (because plugging in an external drive can get the drive letter changed).

    It clones the source to the destination.

    Finally, I have 'Hotswap' dismount the drive .

    My clone destination drive is labelled 'nonsuch' if  browse through the listing:

    REM  begin++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    @echo off

    set randname=%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
    md c:\windows\%randname% 2>nul

    if %errorlevel%==0 (echo Administrator detected!!!
    goto end2)

    echo Must be run as Administrator: try again

    pause >nul

    @echo off
    rd c:\windows\%randname% 2>nul

    for /f "delims=" %%a in ('WMIC Path Win32_volume where "Label='nonsuch'" Get DriveLetter /format:list') do >nul 2>&1 set "SystemVolume_%%a"
       SET _test=%SystemVolume_DriveLetter%
       SET _result=%_test::=%
       ECHO %_result%
    if "%_result%" == ":=" goto testit

    AMBackup /c /t system /d %_result%  /a /o yes

    label %_result%: Nonsuch

    HotSwap! %_result%:




    Echo destination drive not detected: check connections and try again

    REM end+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

  • "is there a script to set this up, or a way through the gui?"

    Sorry for that our software cannot support to do the scheduled clone. But you can do the scheduled backup.

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