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Differential Backup - Limitation of Versions

edited February 2016 in AOMEI Products Support


thanks for this great tool so far.

I am using automated system backup with Amoi now twice a week and it works perfect.

Now I am struggeling with all the files I am creating.

I would like to set it up that every 8th backup (once a month) the software makes a full system back and the following 7 backups should then be differential backups only.

After the 8th backup I want to delete the previous 8 backups automatically.

Is something like this implemented?

I read that something like this should be but I cannot find the option to select it!?

Best regards,



  • edited February 2016

    I don't think this is possible. It seems you are looking for a combination of the Differential backup scheme and the Other scheme (http://www.backup-utility.com/help/backup-scheme.html), both available in the paid versions of Aomei. 

    What you can do is using a script that creates a new folder and moves all the backup files from your destination folder to the new folder. When Aomei notice that the destination folder is empty it will create a full backup automatically.

    I'm using this setup to clean up old backups after 7 days.


  • "After the 8th backup I want to delete the previous 8 backups automatically."

    Yes, uoiu can do it by the setting.



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