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Auto-generating task-name/backup name with timestamp? Selecting folder?

edited February 2016 in AOMEI Products Support

When I do a SystemBackup from Aomei DataBackupper BootCD then I can only selected the TaskName as identification. When I enter e.g. "foobar" then the resulting backup archive will be put into


However I would like to

a.) select the folder where the archive should be stored


b.) select my own backup filename.

I would appreciate if Aomei Databackupper could auto-generate the filename WITH computername, partitionname and the timestamp as part of it. Something like


as an example:


Is it possible to add this option into the next release?

Thank you



  • Sounds like it's a little bit tricky. I think most people want to get one taskname which can be remembered by themselves.

  • edited February 2016

    You have a choice of creating an outer folder, like F:\My AOMEI Backups, where all your backups go there. You can select that outer folder. Even a different one for different backup tasks (For example I keep all backups of one computer in the same folder, but have different outer folders for other computers).

    It is correctly designed by AOMEI that task name is the same as inner folder name. File names should be built the task name, the type (full/diff/inc) and the date taken, and some serial number to distinguish multiple files on the same day. It is better when there is no user choice. But I can live with sequential numbering.

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