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Send NTLM responses for WinPE bootable disc

Hi i am using AOMEI Backupper Professional, to backup/restore on a "Windows 2000 Professional" network share. I created the Windows PE bootable disc on a "Windows 7 Professional" machine. After i boot from the AOMEI boot disc i just made and add the NAS network machine when i try to logon to it i get the error "wrong password". Looking at the logs of the w2k i can see that no NTLM based authentication is being used.

Is there is a way to pass some command line params, or registry settings on the AOMEI boot disc to enable the option

"send LM & NTLM responses" that exist in Local Policies\Security Options\Network security: LAN Manager authentication level

I know it is not a hardware fault because i used a recovery/backup boot disc from another software maker and was able to access the W2k Nas share from the booted W7k machine.


  • Hi,

    Backupper doesn't support OS before XP.

    And are you sure you imported the right password ?

    Please send us the logs files and we will let developers see what problem is.

    The email adderss is : [email protected]

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