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Backupper Standard 2.5 has no drop down list under backup for incremental, differential etc.

I have the free version of your program which has saved me much aggravation after a fubarred system restore using my previous Full and incremental backup and the windows boot disk.. Tonight I wanted to do an additional incremental backup but the dropdown list on the Home tab is no longer available. I tried uninstalling  and reininstalling using both free versions but the result is the same: no list .Please advise.


  • I found out the Standard version only allows only one incremental after performing a full backup. I had the Pro version from Giveaway of the Day but I had a bad PlexServer update that necessitated using System Restore again which worked well but I lost the Pro version in the process. Acronis allows as many incremental and differentials as you need in their paid version.

  • That is unusual. Backupper standard version allows as many incremental and differential backups as you want. Would you please upload some screenshots?

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