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Aomei Backupper Server


Running the trial version of Backupper Server.   Install went fin with no issues at all, configured first backup which is our "Shared Data" (about 120gb), and the destination is a Freecom NAS drive setup as a mapped drive.

So far its been running about 2hrs and still on the "Scanning Authority Files".   Granted the figure at the bottom is rising so its actually doing something.

My concerns about using this application, is around the time is taking to do this initial scan.   Will it go through this process everytime it goes to do a backup, i.e I setup a daily regime, is it going to take this long to do the scan each time?

Any advice would be very much welcome.



  • This is not normal. it won't take this much time, Usually seconds. This might be a problem of authorities. You can backup a local file to local path to see if it still takes much time.

  • is your "shared data" also in a mapped drive? If so, you can unmap it and backup through NAS. The time it takes is also related to the internet condition. 

  • I have tried the process again but backing up to an external USB Drive, and its still going through the same process and taking the same amount of time.

    The "Shared data" origin location is on a physical partition on the machine we are running the backup from, ie:  d:\shared_Data

  • Just looked at the log from todays attempt, and it is reporting the following:

    0       ]::GetFileAttributesA(sCurPath) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES return code: 0x00000000, NetworkMgr.cpp(205).
    [2       ]::GetFileAttributesA(sCurPath) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES return code: 0x00000000, NetworkMgr.cpp(205).
    diskinfo.h(451): Failed to init GPT style table.
    diskinfo.h(451): Failed to init GPT style table.
    diskinfo.h(451): Failed to init GPT style table.
    diskinfo.h(451): Failed to init GPT style table.
    [2       ]dyndisk.cpp(202): Failed to RegOpenKey on GetSysDgGuid.
    [0       ]ldmio.cpp(89): No dynamic disks are found.

    Any idea's?

  • I have just also done a small backup, from the drive D:\Shared_Data (But only a couple of folders) to my C:\ and all works fine.
  • I am getting a similar error using Backupper Standard v3.0. The "C:\Program Files (x86)\AOMEI Backupper\log\log2.txt" file contains the following:

    GetFileAttributesA(sCurPath) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES return code: 0x00000000, NetworkMgr.cpp(208).

    The Windows schedular says the task ran successfully but no backup is produced. I'm doing a full backup on the C: sytem drive and using an internal NTFS  drive (F:), to store the backup.  The F: drive is shared on the network but I'm not using the network share in the Acronis backup target. I'm just using the drive letter and a folder: F:\BACKUP

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