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Splash screen loading...


Backupper used always to work fine but this time I only get the splash screen "Loading, please wait..." forever and not launching the program. Any ideas?



  • Restart PC (Not the Shutdown option)

  • Restarted twice, re-installed the program and still same issue...

  • What OS you are using?

    Which version of Aomei?

    What if you install an older version? Like 3.2 or 3.5? Google for these.

  • WIN7 and latest of Backupper.

    Will try an older version then.

  • If there's an external disk connects to your computer, please remove it and then re-run the program. Please disable BitLocker if it's on.

  • Not using BitLocker and no external disk. In fact, I also noticed that I can't get the PC to shut down, it logs out but remains on "Shutting down" splash screen forever. Maybe it's related.

  • Can you upload a screenshot of Disk Management?

  • Problem solved.

    This wasn't directly caused by Backupper though.

    There was a conflict with www.ext2fsd.com that I was using to be able to load Linux est2 partitions. It worked for a couple of months without issues and then suddenly stopped working. Removed and everything works fine again.

    Many thanks for your kind assistance!

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